
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Treasure Hunts 2010 #7, Ford GTX1

Again another entry on the 2010 Treasure Hunts - Ford GTX 1

"The Ford GTX-1 is a Hot Wheels casting based on the concept car of the same name, debuting in the 2007 New Models. The vehicle was designed by Bryan Benedict. It was Benedict's first ever Hot Wheels basic car design and he exaggerated the rear fenders to make it "feel more Hot Wheels." - Taken from Hot Wheels Wiki.

Recently, I scored again this, TH and TH$ at Giant Hypermarket Kelana Jaya.. For the how many times, but not complaining.... The other cars that came in that wave also not bad, but basically I took only these..

Not a bad car to collect, not much variations since it first debut in 2007, in total less than 10 variations if not mistaken..


Still wondering what so nice about the car, from a real life Ford GT40, came the convertible version named Ford GTX1.
Ok, I admit, I like the car most due to the big wheels that came with it, basically the TH$ version.. ehehehe..
Will probably slaughter a piece or two for my next custom car.. :)

Loose - TH Ford GTX 1

TH$ Ford GTX 1

The pair..

Nice rear wheels.. ehehe

Again, look at that wheel.. yummy..

Front view..

Loose and carded..

Enjoy the pics..

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