
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week #16 - Some carded but loose all around...

What a week..
Not much new wave in Malaysia market at the moment..
Managed to get these 3 beauties from a trade with fellow HWCM members..
You know who you are..
Thanks again bro...

UH Karmann Ghia.. Should I complete this casting?
2011 TH$ Baja Bug.. 2nd piece..
2011 TH$ '69 Mustang.

A gift from a friend who came back from Beijing.

Got this during HWCM Friday gathering.
Loose TH$ from Atomkinder
ROAK Walmart Mitsibishi Lancer Evo X.. Thanks Enyo..

Later, on the weekend, went to Amcorp flea market, to get some loose TH$ or any garage cars for the real riders tires..
These are just some which I managed to get..
Enjoy the pics...

These loose TH$ will be sacrifice just for the wheels...

These are for trade purposes only...

These lovely Garage series are to nice to be sacrifice...

Then later that night, had a sneak peek sale from a fellow HWCM member.
Surprisingly, a lot of nice cars was on sale..
And again, I did spend a lot.. but mostly for other members...

Superbly nice cars...
Mine are the Ford GT40 from the 2006 BullRun Series, Mini and Beetle.

Again, these are for other members.
One of the rarest 5-pack I have seen...

That's all folk..


ronnychee96@hobbiescorner said...

WARRGH!!!! fainted haul!! So..any $uper t that can be reserve fro me??? eheheh!!
err..i nak $uper baja!! Loose pun jadi le!!

mushr00m said...

hehehe.. thanks bro..
my rubbers stock is running out fast especially the smaller wheels.. that is the reason why have to start restocking..

TH$ Baja... not yet la bro.. I have uncarded one piece.. This one might keep it for good..

Shaz said...

complete kan aje ghia tuh..sket je lagi..go gooo..heheh

mushr00m said...

@kurz - sikit ajer lagi? classic series got 6 pieces.. color not nice la...